Monday, July 30, 2012

7 Ways to Get Off Weight Loss Plateau

Author: Gillian
Have you reach a point where you feel like you can't seem to lose weight anymore? Even though you are still following your diet and exercise routine, the numbers on the weighing scale just don't go down. So you get really frustrated and feel like giving up. Well, hold on. Don't throw in the towel yet because you most probably hit your weight loss plateau. Instead of allowing it to frustrate you and hinder you from achieving your goal weight, try these tips for moving the scale in the right direction again. Listed below are 7 of the best way to re-ignite the healthy weight loss process when you feel challenged.
1) Stop drinking alcohol
Alcohol plays a significant part in weight gaining. Alcohol not only adds calories in your diet but it also slows down your metabolism which reduces your motivation to work out and diet.
2) Make healthier eating choice.
There is nothing more important than proper nutrition when you are trying to lose all the extra pounds off. Try to avoid eating refined sugar (most pre-packaged snack foods), butter, cheese and fried foods. These things will keep you from making any progress. You should also check your diet regularly to make sure that you don't cheat on yourself. You will lose the right to complain if you aren't eating what you're supposed to eat.
3) Green tea every day
If you want to lose weight faster, drink green tea every day. Green tea can help you to burn fat faster because it speeds up your body metabolism which helps you burn more fat. Green tea is a mild appetite suppressant that makes you eat less. So when it comes to weight loss, it is just a natural process with green tea. Moreover, several studies on obesity have shown that people who've drink green tea for the past 10 years have lower percentage of fats in their body than people who don't drink green tea regularly. That's a proven fact. So start drinking green tea now.
4) Strength training
Strength training is a really great way to lose all the extra pounds off. Strength training not only helps you to build up lean muscle but at the same time helps you to burn off the calories. This is because each pound of muscle burns about 50 calories a day. So the more muscle you build, the more calories you burn.
5) Drink more water
"Drink 8 glass of water every day" is what we've always heard. Well, why is it so important? First of all, it is extremely important to replenish the fluid in your body by drinking enough amount of water daily, especially if you are incorporating exercise routine in your daily basis. This is because water is really important for your body to function optimally. If you're dehydrated, your body will keep the excess water as a protective measure, adding to the numbers on the scale. If your body weight is around 200 lbs, drinking 8 glass of water definitely is not enough. To get adequate amount of water daily, it's recommended to drink half of your body weight in ounce.
6) Vary your workout routine
Hitting a weight loss plateau is really frustrating. To combat it, you have to vary your exercise routine. If you keep on doing the same exercise routine, your body begins to get use to the exercise routine and will no longer burns as many calories. Try lengthening the time of your workout or different level of intensity to increase your weight loss. Or try a whole new workout routine.
7) Eat less
You might be eating too much. 1700 calories a day may make you to lose weight when you were 200 pounds. But when you're 130 pounds, it won't a big deficit. So try to eat lesser, but don't starve yourself.
Even though weight loss plateau is dieter's greatest nemesis, but in reality, it is just a natural stage of a weight loss progression. So there is nothing you need to concerned about because with a few adjustment in your plan, you should get that scale back on track in no time.
About the Author
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